Congratulations Becca! I trust you will enjoy this great book. I can't believe it picked you, see I told you that you never know if you'll win or not. Can you believe it picked Mr SewFunky and then my very good friend, Becca? I am beginning to think it's not so random!
Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway, there were 46 entries, way more than I ever anticipated. I am sorry I couldn't give you all this book!
I used the random number generator from the violets are blue website. Not so sure if it makes it random or not after this experience! ;)
I finally cut into two pillowcases that Becs gave me in the sister box. I had been too scared to before, but seeing as how cute these bags turn out, I knew I had to do it!
Look how cute they are, modeled by Briahna & Hope;
This is such a quick and rewarding bag to make!
Here are the instructions for making them (taken straight from the martha stewart website):
Give an orphaned pillowcase a new home -- over your shoulder.
1. Trim 1/4 inch off the closed end, and cut the case in half on the diagonal. Turn the fabric of each of the four diagonal cut edges over by 1/4 inch, twice; pin, and hem.
2. Place one pillowcase half inside the other, lining up bottom edges; pin, and sew at front where fabrics overlap. Repeat on other side. Turn fabric inside out, and hem case's cut bottom. Trim with pinking shears. Turn case right side out, tie top ends into a knot, and you have a carefree summer bag.
Thanks again Martha for giving me something new to create!!! The bag that Hope is modeling is a little different from Martha's one. I boxed the bottom, used bias binding instead of hemming the bag, and strengthening the bottom of the bag with a little cardboard. :)
If you could actually call 1987 vintage... I guess it's more retro! :)
I have been wondering how I could display some of my nicer/cuter retro teatowel's . They're great inspiration when you're going through a craft block (think | writers block for crafters!). I have some neat ones, but this one is by far the cutest. My sister, Rebekah, sent it to me in the sisters box way back in July. Don't worry Bex, I haven't forgotten to send it back to you filled with goodies, it's just with the wrist break and being unable to drive for 6 weeks, I was somewhat housebound. That has all changed this week, and so I'm running out of excuses...
the gorgeous teatowel - I just think they're so cute! It could be Me and Mr Sew-Funky!!!
Anyway, I digress, what I'm here to show you is how I overcame the display problem by taking an old unframed print that was stuck on board and using a few metal clips I got from the opshop about 3 months ago (I knew one day they'd come in handy! LOL).
The monet print that was taking up space in the garage...
the doggie clips - picked up from the op shop for $1
Take a look at the finished result - something great for my cutting/work table. :)
I love it, it's so cutesy and sweet.
In 1987, I was 14 and I probably don't want to ever go back to that age again!!! Teenage angst etc. :( Still it meant I was another year older and closer to becoming independent! What were you doing in 1987?
has sent the girls all a combined birthday/Christmas 2008 present today. My sister lives in the UK and I haven't seen her in over a decade - scary, huh! It's just too far away for a visit, unfortunately. We've been a little lax over the years in keeping in contact, but she's always in my heart, as sisters often are! :)
I let the girls open them for an early Christmas surprise. It was fun to watch as usually Christmas can be an overwhelming, overrated affair, and the girls had so much fun opening the bags to find little surprises inside - Thanks, Paula!
Button Beauty is hosting a week of teatowels this week, and in light of that I went back into the recesses of old posts on the blog to find this one...
It was a little half apron that I made for my sister for her birthday. So simple.
repost; simple half apron, Friday, April 18,2008
One really nice tea towel, a little ric rac and ribbon for the ties and you have a really neat half apron. Super easy, and economical! I got the tea towel for $1 (marked down from $8.95!).
I just love the simplicity of this project, and as soon as I saw the tea towel it just screamed apron to me.
Yesterday, my eldest and youngest daughter's had the day off school because of a teachers only day. I offered to look after my friends sweet daughter Cail, who is almost two. So there was no time at all to craft! Especially since I put the porta-cot up in my sewing room!!! Still, I can't complain when she's so cute!
Look, wee one asleep. She looked so adorable, when I went to check on her at 4pm that I couldn't resist taking a picture!
Lookie, guess what I won! Six golden books from silly gilly! So, so, happy my losing streak may just be over! :) I am a huge fan of golden books, and have quite a collection of them in my bedroom (not even in the kids room, they have to carefully read them in my presence!)
Ever since I discovered I could sharpen them by cutting a little tin-foil, my mothers old trusty pinking shears have become a necessary accessory I rhymed! ;) in my sewing room. To say that I love them, would be an understatement. They cut down on so much of the time I used to spend edging bibs. Now I don't have to snip corners, either! A god send!!!
Postscript Hey Marion, and anyone else interested... Tin foil is actually aluminum foil, we just haven't quit calling it tin foil here in NZ! LOL!
I have been thinking about making some little tag blankies for a month or so now. They're apparently good for wee babies, and in my own experience, it always seems that babies are more interested in the tags hanging off toys than in the toys themselves!
Of course I had to wait until the cast came off. And so I forgot all about it until looking at Twenty Cent Mixture's latest post, where she made one! This afternoon I had a little bit of spare time and so I came up with my own design, based upon TCM's one. They are so neat, it makes me wish I had another of my own littlie's again - just to try them out! :)
These two tag blankies are going to be little pressies for two special 6 month old babies I know (Averie - of last post's fame, and Ruby - my gorgeous little neice!) They're made from polar fleece and a wide range of ribbons, cotton tapes that I had in my craft supply. A great way to use up the stash without buying any more crap to fill my craft-room!! :D
My good friend Becca has had a rough run of illness lately, and so Hope and I went over to give her a day off, yesterday. She has 2 small girls, Cail (2 next month) and Averie ( just over 6 months - I think...) and they pretty much keep her on her toes. Which makes life difficult when you're sick.
Whilst we were there, Becca mentioned that she'd like to make little outfits for the girls for Halloween, as they're going to a light party. She had already bought the fabric, and clothes aspect of it - she just needed to put it all together. Quite hard when you're sick and have no sewing machine. So there we were, when I remembered seeing a little fairy skirt made from ribbons tied around elastic (thanks Lianne, who made one for her grand-daughter Willow!). So the idea struck and it went from there. I took the t-shirts home and appliqued them with little garden fairies and made some little shoes to match for Averie! They're gonna be the best dressed girls there!!!
It turned out to be quite a fun day, I'd forgotten how much I love the age that the girls are at! I got loads of cuddles!!! :)
me and averie mae
She's such a sweet little thoughtful thing! I love her to bits!
I am so loving the freedom, that not having the cast brings, cuddles and crafting - woohoo! I've wanted to make these shoes ever since I saw some Lianne and also Twenty Cent Mixture had made. They looked difficult, but I have quickly discovered how truly easy they are!
Becca, your girls are truly wonderful! As are you! I wish you a quick speedy recovery! And remember, you can always call on me when you're unwell! (actually any time you like!!! hehehe!)
In honour of finally getting the cast off my arm, I've designed a new cloth. I've called it the "Cast Off Twirl", which should speak for itself!
Yay, I can knit again! Although I need to take it slower, or the pain comes back. Apparently I now have tendonitis, whatever that is...
Anyway, here it is, a new pattern from the sew-funky brain!
Materials: 1 ball worsted weight cotton yarn, size 4.5 mm needles. I used I used Anchor Magiclene for this cloth, which gave it a lovely effect. I also made it up by using the various cotton oddments that I have in my stash. It's a great way to use them all up!
Instructions: Cast on 15 stitches. This cloth is made up of 10 wedges, all exactly the same. When you finish knitting a wedge, you just carry on knitting the next one. Then the edge is sewn together, the threads are sewn in and the cloth is complete. :)
Every wedge: Row 1 & all odd rows: K. Row 2: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K to last st, turn. Row 4: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K to last 2 sts, turn. Row 6: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K to last 3 sts, turn. Row 8: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K to last 4 sts, turn. Row 10: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K to last 5 sts, turn. Row 12: K3, YO, K2tog, K3, YO, K to last 6 sts, turn. Row 14: Cast off 6 sts, K to end of row.
Repeat this wedge 9 more times, and then join the seams. :)
I've been wanting to do a giveaway for a little while. I've now got a whole heap of reasons to do one. My cast came off and I can craft. The blog has had over 30,000 hits so far - wow, who'd have thought! This is my 300th post! I'm sure I could think of a few more if I tried, we're going into summer here, I'm in a good mood etc...
I've got a copy of Amanda Blake Soule's book, the Creative Family to give away. Anyone can enter. I'll be doing the draw in a week on the 30th of October. Gotta keep another 3 in there, after all I've had 30,000+ hits, posted 300 times, we really need it to be on the 30th, don't we!
So just comment below to enter. Tell other people about it on your blog and let me know and you'll get another entry in the giveaway!
Big Cat has just posted 6 random things about herself and said anyone up for being tagged could consider themselves tagged. Well, since I'm a little bored, with not a whole lot to do, I believe I'm gonna be in on the game! :)
Six Random things about moi!
1. I sucked my thumb until I was 12 year's old. That's the same age as my eldest daughter is now, wow! None of my children ever had that much of an interest in their thumbs.
2. I really only started knitting about this time last year. I first learned when I was 8 or 9, but found it tedious, especially since I am such a perfectionist! This meant I was forever undoing and redoing my knitting - it got to me.
3. I don't like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. A few weeks ago I asked an American friend of mine to make me some peanut butter sandwiches and some jam sandwiches - I ended up with them mixed - very American like. But since I'm a kiwi - eeeeewww! I like them individually but together?!?
4. I never had long hair growing up. It was always cut short - easy care, I guess! My hair hasn't really been cut for about 10 years now. At least, not by a hairdresser. I have been known to trim my own hair occasionally.
5. I love getting facials. Although, I haven't had all that many. I've been known to fall asleep during facials - even snoring! LOL!
6. I always wanted 3 daughters. When I was about 10 I used to dream about it! And look, here I am with 3 beautiful daughters. Someone was listening to that little 10 year old.
If you'd like to take up the challenge and share 6 random things about yourself then consider yourself tagged.
Here are the rules if you want to play by them
Link to the person that tagged you.
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website
Some new bibs made on my new machine... There's a tutorial for them available here. I am loving the applique stitch and all the wee fancy stitches. Makes them look just that little bit more special.
The other thing I'm loving is how nice it is to use a machine that's not forever breaking down on you. So much less frustrating!
Hooray, the cast is off! I am still feeling a little bit of pain, but apparently that's normal when you haven't used the tendons around your wrist for 6 weeks! So that should ease off over the next few weeks, and then I'll be back to normal. :)
My sewing machine came home to me yesterday and I've had a little play with it. It's really awesome and I LOVE the stitches it has. I can write (sew) words now, and neat little fancy stitches! It's better than any sewing machine I've ever owned! So look out for some great new sew-funky designs, they'll be coming soon... :)
Thanks to everyone who sent encouraging wishes while I had the cast on - they certainly helped, and thanks also for not running away while I had some enforced craft-free time. :)
On Thursday night, after having a rather bad day, and in a not-thinking mindset, I washed my cellphone. It was totally accidental, I swear!! The second I shut the door of my wonderful front-loader, the realisation that it was in there HIT!
If it had been a top-loading machine I'd have been able to quickly remove the phone, but front-loaders like to lock the door and so I knew right away the phone was gone... aaaargh!
After spending a thousand dollars during the day on my new sewing machine, I knew we simply didn't have an extra couple of hundred lying around.
Today, my wonderful hubby, Mr Sew-Funky went out and bought me a new phone. Thanks so much hubby of mine, the cellphone is pretty much my lifeline at times. I'm able to contact him and whoever I want to when I'm out, I have no clue how I ever managed without one!
So lesson learned - cellphones don't like water, so keep them out of the washing machine!
5. I will be able to craft a whole lot more than I am currently.
6. I can do basic chores again (not necessarily a plus, but you know what I mean...).
7. My cast is definately coming off... :D
8. This is the best by FAR! I am picking up my new sewing machine on Monday or Tuesday!!!
See below pic:
It's not the one I "really" wanted, but it's good and way better than the Brother I had before. Never ever buy a Brother people! I'm thinking I'll upgrade in a couple of years to a better machine... ;)
So great news... and Fifi is still to arrive too!!! So next week is looking great!
STOP PRESS 7pm Some more niceties... I popped out to the dairy (local shop) with Aimee after school, and was met (on the way back) by a good friend (Hi Lianne!) and her children walking my dog Lucky. By way of explanation, Mr Sew-Funky was at home and suggested she walk to meet me. She had a really nice cheer-me-up surprise, some carnations and some hershey's kisses. She'd read my earlier blog post, and wanted to make me feel a little better! :) All I can say is, what a fantastic friend she is!! Thanks so much, you made my day just that little bit better.
And not in a "boy, that was hilarious" kind of way.
My daughter has high-functioning autism, it's a manageable condition (couldn't think of a better word here - sorry). Sometimes her behaviour sucks! (no other word for it!). Sometimes she has been known to bite other people or scream obscenities at them. They usually freak out, I mean who wouldn't, having a "mad" 10 year old attacking them? I understand why they freak out, I kinda freak out myself. I wonder what on earth I could do to stop the behaviour.
Afterwards, I laugh. Maybe a little manically, but it's better than the alternative. I could cry, yell, lose control. I guess I do kind of lose control, because I laugh, and I say "welcome to the family". This is our life, and she only seems to "lose it" with people she loves and accepts. Crazy, I know.
If I am honest, I am tired of living with this faulty time bomb. You see, that is what it's like living with someone who has high-functioning autism. You just never know when it's gonna go off, and I can hear it ticking away.
Life could be harder, I know it is for other families. They have far worse disabilities to contend with. The child who doesn't communicate. The child still in nappies (diapers for you Americans out there!). The child in a wheelchair. The child who is blind or deaf. I know you're out there, contending with greater fears and anxiety than my own. I do feel for you. It's just, this is my life, my struggle...
Sorry for the spew... Sometimes you just gotta get it out!
Today is Blog Action Day! I've been waiting a while for this day, and have wondered about what to write about. I decided to put a little video of statistics that I found over on Rachel's blog... It's a little bit about the culture and society we have here in New Zealand. And I believe poverty isn't always about money, food etc. There is a higher level to it, an emotional social structure.
I was moved by this video, but wasn't sure if I would fit on this blog. It doesn't really relate to craft and is a little depressing. I hope this got you to pause and think about the world we live in...
I am so excited, that I'm jumping the gun a wee bit to show you a wee someone who's coming to stay with me...
She was created by Paisley Jade and, after seeing Cherry on CurlyPops blog, I knew I had to have one all for myself.
I thought she could be considered an early birthday present. Especially, considering what an awful year I've had. But instead, I've decided she can be a "cast-off" present to myself. I have one week to go till that happens, and 2 months till my birthday... I think it's best to have her sooner rather than later!
If you want to adopt one of Paisley Jade's lovely softies you can do so here and here. Good luck, her creations are becoming very popular!
Yes, you heard that right! I am now selling some of the very awesome buttonlets on trademe! I thought that was the best place to start anyway... so take a look, bid if you like any, and I'll send them out to you! :)
You can find all of them under my user name sewfunky! Yes, I thought that was an excellent name too ;)
So go take a look, if you are overseas, you can buy too, just let me know and I'll work out a postage price for you.
I heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord You don't really care for music, do ya? It goes like this The fourth, the fifth The minor fall, the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya She tied you To a kitchen chair She broke your throne, and she cut your hair And from your lips she drew Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Baby iv'e been here before, Iv'e seen this room and ive walked the floor, I used to live alone before i knew ya But ive seen your flag on the marble arch, Our love is not a victory march, It's a cold and its a broken hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Maybe there's a God above, But all iv'e ever learnt from love, Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya, It's not a cry that u hear at night, It's not someone whos seen the light, It's a cold and broken hallelujah
I actually like the verses that KD Lang chooses not to sing in this version, see below what you miss;
There was a time you let me know What's really going on below But now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in you The holy dove was moving too And every breath we drew was Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah
You say I took the name in vain I don't even know the name But if I did, well really, what's it to you? There's a blaze of light In every word It doesn't matter which you heard The holy or the broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah Hallelujah, Hallelujah
I did my best, it wasn't much I couldn't feel, so I tried to touch I've told the truth, I didn't come to fool you And even though It all went wrong I'll stand before the Lord of Song With nothing on my tongue but Hallelujah
I know I've been quiet on the blog, sorry about that...
My three girls are having the time of their life traveling around the south island with their Nanny & Grampy. What fun! It sure has been quiet around here without them! I've actually been able to read a book through cover to cover without very much interruption at all - oh for child free days! It's been a good long while since I have had any, and I'm making the most of them!!!
I tried knitting last week, only to make my wrist really sore. So unfortunately it will be a good few more weeks until I can sit down to knit like I used to...
On a sad note, my aunty and godmother passed away last Thursday. She was an inspiration to me in many ways, very creative and adventurous. She travelled widely and lived in both Spain and Japan, learning both languages! She had struggled with cancer for a number of years, and I suppose after a life well-lived it was a welcome release. Not so welcome to those of us who loved her though! Her funeral was yesterday, and was both difficult and lovely. I am glad I went. Aunty J. had lucky dip baskets organised for those who'd attended. Giving away trinkets of a life well-lived and enjoyed. I chose a tin (I just love old tins) full of special little shells, coins, magnets she'd collected. :) It makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one who does this kind of thing!!! See Mr. Sew-Funky, it's normal in my family ;).
If I could find the darn camera, I'd take a picture of what I now have from my aunt. Scratch that look above at sneak pic!
I will miss her cheeky smile and laugh, and the special way she looked at life. Life was an adventure to her, not to be missed. I want to learn how to live my life like that too...
Thanks Aunty J. - I love you, and am happy to have been loved by you too!
A few summer photos.
Our Christmas holidays were filled with a few fun adventures, beginning to
paint the outside of our house, a beautiful friend’s wedd...
New News and Good Things
Loobylu is quiet these days. If you are interested in following along with
my new adventures, please check out my website at and
my ins...
After 17 Years as a Mum Here's What I've Learned
[Image Credit] My eldest boy turned 17 the other day, which is crazy
because it feels like only yesterday that I began blogging when he was five.
Oh my wo...
Beanie & Moccasin set
These two items can be in small (12-14" high baby doll size) or medium
(15-18" high baby doll size). Contact me at for colour
lost my voice
I know that I don't frequent this space as much as I'd hoped to this year,
for many reasons, but the main one is that I feel my blog writing voice has
Beads embroidery
I enjoy beads embroidery these days.
They are so cute and make me happy in my hands.
I'm trying various way of beads embroidery. It's easier stitching on fe...
The Celestial Issue - a quick mention
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had a mention - there are about 12 copies left and I've listed a few
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Or just shoulders and knees, really. I think I’ve posted before about my
shoulder and how I’m waiting for surgery. I’ve been having shoulder issues
for ove...
Mercury Burst
Robyn from robynieland asked if I'd test her Mercury Burst paper pieced
block and I leapt at the chance! It looks difficult and fiddly but it's
actually no...
Second chances
Hello again, if you are still out there that is. I'm amazed if anyone still
visits here.
What a lovely summer it's been. I've been far too busy enjoying li...
Tea towel totes
New to Stitcharooney and available this Saturday at Flinders Street Market.
I decided it was time to make something of all the very fabulous tea towels
Another crosses quilt…
I had an urgent quilt request from a customer. A quilt for an 80th
birthday, to be sent overseas. So after a quick consult on pattern and
fabric choices ...
It's all go!!
What a roller coaster of a week it has been!
There's been lots of sewing: a sloppy top altered into something more
structured ( a race against time so no p...
I Made up my Own pattern
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Schachenmayr nomotta Cosy
How much?
0.95 skeins = 85.5 yards (78.2 meters), 23 grams
Color family
What I've been up to
Long time between posts....
Now that I have these new lungs, there's just no time left to sit at the
computer composing blog posts.
I'm out and about enjo...
Mollie Makes Prints
I'm usually pretty good at resisting the Mollie Makes Magazine.
But this month it has seven little prints included and I couldn't help
I knew ...
Miss S (2280g/5lb) and Master T (2770g/6lb2oz), born 12 June at 38 weeks
exactly. Both perfect and happy and healthy in every way. We are in love
with our...
As a general rule, Golden Bay is sunny and breath-taking and beautiful and,
well, golden. But even when it’s not, we’re still rather glad we came.
Hello everyone.
I had hoped to show you a pair of jeans that I made after taking a sewing
class with Sherry, you know *the* Sherry. However, I made a few ...
Spinach Balls Recipe
Everyone loves Aunt Theresa's spinach balls so I thought I would share her
recipe with everyone. This will also stop me from asking her for the recipe
a hu...
The year so far.....
My year started out with my oldest daughter being hospitalised because of
mental health issues.
She has a diagnoses of Aspergers and ADHD. Poor Button. She...
November Post-poned
Just to let everyone know that our evening for November has been post-poned
due to way too much sickness in both our households!
Thanks to everyone that RS...
Farewell Ribbons and Pom Poms
I love you, I still love love love packaging but I have little time in my
life and managing 2 blogs is just not working out.
I will feature packaging on my...
A big blog post that's long overdue!
My gosh, it has been well over a month since my last blog post! There has
been so many changes in my life recently that I literally haven't had the
time to...
Brooch | Singleton Sock Monkey #3
This fantastic little brooch was designed by me for you to embellish your
favourite item, a bag perhaps or shawl?!
At 5cm in diameter, they're sure to be c...
love to win the book, i always need more creative ways to interact with my family. thanks for all the fun