Friday, 27 February 2009

Favourite things Friday...

Ruby Gloom has to be one of my most favourite television animations of all time. I love the illustrations and the fun story lines!

Just thought it would be a good idea to go back to posting a few of my favourite things, especially after the day we've had...

We found the car we want to buy, but on the way to going for a second test drive we were involved in a nose to tail accident with 3 other cars. We were in the front and not at fault, and no one got hurt. Except that we lost $400 on our trade-in. :( Oh well, we did find a new car and we will sign the paperwork tomorrow and pick it up on Monday! I'll post more about it once it's all finalised.

Have a good weekend...



Anonymous said...

Wow, that a pretty sucky thing to happen :-( Hope you are all okay.

Big thanks for my fat 1/4 for the swap, love it, (and I have no batik, so a nice surprise, and yes I love buttons).

I love Ruby Gloom, nearly picked her as my theme for the quilting bee, but did Emily Strange instead.

Jodz said...

Oh you poor things. I hope you are OK.
Wish Mr. Sew Funky and Bree a happy birthday from the Divines.

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