Sunday, 4 January 2009

Cloth of the month | January 2009

Mr Sew-Funky has come up with a brilliant idea for me to design a cloth for every month of 2009. I think it's very achievable and have decided to grab his idea and run with it!

Please let me know if you make it, I love seeing my cloths popping up all over the internet... :)

And so, without further ado, I present to you the January 2009 Cloth!

January 2009

Using 6mm needles and 100% worsted weight cotton yarn, cast on 16 stitches.

Row 1: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 2: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 2 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 3: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 4: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 2 stitches, turn.
Row 5: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 6: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 4 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 7: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 8: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 4 stitches, turn.
Row 9: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 10: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 6 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 11: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 12: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 6 stitches, turn.
Row 13: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 14: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 8 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 15: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 16: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 8 stitches, turn.
Row 17: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 18: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 10 stitches, K1, turn.
Row 19: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 20: K2, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last 10 stitches, turn.
Row 21: K1, *YO, K2tog, repeat from * until last stitch, K1.
Row 22: Knit across row.

This cloth is made up of around 8 wedges, exactly the same. On the last wedge, you can either cast off on Row 23 or using kitchener stitch knit the last row and the cast on row together, making sure you have the right sides together. Then sew up the circle in the middle, sew in the loose threads and you're done! :)

You can find a printable version of this pattern here: Free Dishcloth Patterns from


pinkangel said...

That is really pretty but is sure looks hard to do. You did a great job

Diane FL said...

I love this idea!!! Huggs to mr sew funky! I'm thrilled!!! Can't wait to see what comes next! Marion

Mary Nanna said...

p.s. about your goals.. if you are going to get an overlocker then may I suggest a Babylock, unless you actually want to spend a lot of time swearing ever time you have to rethread it?

Don't know where in Auckland you live, but you can buy them through Sewing Machine world in Onehunga and they offer a very useful evening course in how to use it.

Just a suggestion, you may already know what you want/need.

PaisleyJade said...

What a great idea! Pity I can't really knit... maybe this might give me some inspiration!

Jodz said...

Oh! How exciting. I will be joining in.

ladyb1 said...

Hi, cant wait to get started. You are so clever. Susan

Cindy said...

You have created a perfectly round cloth. I've been trying to work that out for some time now. Congratulations.

BunnyStamping said...

I bet this will look great in a variegated yarn. :)

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