Monday, 21 April 2008

a geek going on vacation...

I got this picture from here. It's kinda how I feel about going away today... 8 days of possibly no access to the blog. At least that's what the hubby thinks!

Truth is, I'm really excited to be going to see my little sister and my nephew! The other really exciting thing is that my (other) sister is currently in labour with her first little babe!!! I am so happy to be becoming an aunt again!

While I am away, I am hoping to finish the socks and to do some serious op shopping with my sister. It's gonna be a whole lot of fun.

See you all in 8 days time!!!

Sunday, 20 April 2008

My first sock...

I am knitting my first ever pair of socks. Using the cuff down method and making them a little shorter than the pattern. :)
excuse the foot... ;)
I got the pattern from the latest spotlight knitting essentials magazine - which by the way only cost $2.95 when I used my spotlight VIP card! Pretty cheap for 94 patterns.

I have avoided knitting socks before, because of the double pointed needles, and I didn't see the point when you can buy socks so cheaply. But you know what I think these socks are going to be so comfy to wear - and all the effort will be worth it.

Friday, 18 April 2008

simple half apron

One really nice tea towel, a little ric rac and ribbon for the ties and you have a really neat half apron. Super easy, and economical! I got the tea towel for $1 (marked down from $8.95!).

I just love the simplicity of this project, and as soon as I saw the tea towel it just screamed apron to me.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008


Our thoughts and love are with the friends and family of the 7 people who tragically lost their lives at the Mangatepopo Gorge yesterday.

knitting needle bracelets...

I have seen these on many blogs in the past and since I have heaps of odd needles I decided to give it a go. I used the instructions on the diy life website, and they were fairly basic to make. They are also very addictive and I ended up making 16, yes, you read that right, 16 bracelets!

I have no idea what I'm gonna do with 16 needle bracelets, although they look nice hanging from the door handle...

new skirt

I have been spending this week preparing for next. I am so excited about going to spend it with my sister and her family. It's going to be a great time, and I am so glad to be going when Briahna is feeling a little better. At least, she is well enough to go to school now! :)

This means one thing, I've been able to get some crafting done! YAY! So today, I spent the day finishing the bib's I began on the weekend and making a new skirt and an apron. I will post a pic of the apron tomorrow - it was just too dark to take a pic of this afternoon, but here is a pic of the new skirt. I made it without a pattern basing it loosely on a skirt I made a month or so ago. This one is longer and made with lighter fabric.

Because it's getting colder, I think I will have to go for a layered look with it (think tights and boots!).

excuse the blurry pic -
I just liked it a whole lot more than the one following,
even though that one shows it off better.
I really agree with other crafters who have proclaimed 2008, the year of the skirt. It certainly has been for me!

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

pillowcase bags...

After reading CurlyPop's recent post, I have been inspired to try out making my own bag out of a pillowcase. I have a ton of old pillowcases, because for some weird reason I must've known I would need them "one day". I gave most of the sheets and duvet covers to the Sallies, but kept the cases (strange I know!).

Anyhow, this is my first one. I didn't use a pattern just cut straight into the pillowcase. I didn't even edge it properly, just good old zig-zag stitch.

notice the sew funky label

It will be great just for having in my handbag in case I need a quick something from the supermarket.

Monday, 14 April 2008

a few of my favourite things; tea for one

I am aiming to make this topic a regular thing on my blog, as I begin to organise my blogging week. Sometimes, I'll explain. Sometimes, I'll just leave it with a picture - like today.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

new brooches

Look at these gorgeous brooches I made... I am in the process of making a few more too, but, only if the kitten's don't keep on attacking them while I am making them! :)

sew funky ribbon...

I have wanted my own labels for ages, and decided it may just be easier to make my own. So, after purchasing a do it yourself stamper and some cotton tape I find myself the owner of 3 rolls of labels. Super easy and much cheaper than the alternatives. :)

pile of bibs

A pile of bibs waiting to be finished, 15 in all. I am going to be really busy this week getting things ready for my trip to Christchurch. One week to go!!!! :D

Thursday, 10 April 2008

new baby arrives...

One of my favourite people gave birth this morning to a new sweet daughter... One day early and with a head of beautiful dark hair, Averie Mae is truly gorgeous. Unfortunately, I don't have a photo to share with you, but I do have a photo of the little gift I gave. Three bibs, one knitted and two using the pattern that's available on the sidebar.

I was so happy to be able to visit Mum & Bub at birthcare only 8 hours after she was born, especially since I missed the baby shower on Sunday afternoon. I am so tired of feeling sick and having sick children, especially since I had great plans of making lots of things to take with me to Christchurch. :(


me and averie mae - photo courtesy Averie's Dad

Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Navy & Burgundy Soap Sack

So, my dad is turning 60 this year and we (me and my 3 sisters) are going to be giving a special surprise gift(s) to him. I needed to find 15 presents for him and boy that was harder than it sounds. I think men are a lot harder than women, when it comes to present choice. Especially when one is short of cash and the recipient lives 14,000 miles away (a guess).

I have just today finished all 15 items and will be sending them off to him tomorrow by airmail, I'm really hoping he'll get it by his birthday on the 4th of May. 60 years is pretty special as far as birthday's go and he's gonna be pretty much alone on the day, with my mum being in Aussie with my sister for the birth of her first baby.

As one of the gifts, I made a really nice knitted soap sack (using this pattern) with two strands of Sullivans 4ply cotton (Navy & Burgundy). It turned out really nice and I am sure to make this pattern again. Funny, how the photo doesn't much look like navy/burgundy, it's darker in real life.

Yesterday, I got to meet one of my blog readers for the first time. Hi Di! It was strange since she knows so much about me vicariously through my blog. It was like we'd known each other a while even though it was our first meeting. In a way we weren't too much of strangers, she works with a friend of ours and we know other people mutually. My husband has met her and her hubby through his volunteer work with FilmGuide too. Di is a budding crafter and I'm excited to see what she will come up with on her brand new blog in the coming months. :)

Monday, 7 April 2008

YAHOO! Thanks CurlyPops!!

I was on my way out to the doctor's (yes, Bree is still sick! :( ) when, I spied a little parcel in my mailbox from CurlyPops. I joined her pay it forward challenge almost two months ago, which reminds me I need to think about sending my extra special people something!

Inside was a very gorgeous apron in my favourite colours!!

It made my day so much better!!! CurlyPops has a really excellent blog that I highly recommend reading - I have her on my bloglines!

I am still in the process of sorting out my craft room so that it is nicer to be in. I got rid of one of the desks, and put in a huge bookshelf (now fabric shelf! ;) ). It has been so great to re-find things I forgot I had, and I think it will curb some of my desire to buy more than I need (yeah, right!). I will try anyway! The room looks lighter and airier, my only complaint is that I will need to do any chopping out on the dining room table, and there is no comfortable chair in there so I can knit to my hearts content. Those things weren't in there before, but a girl can dream about a bigger craft room, can't she?? I will post photo's when I'm done.

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Why I've been a little absent this week...

Number 1. My craft room is in need of a sort out; so I've been in the little dungeon cleaning out and throwing away and ogling my stash...

Major reason for doing this is that my lovely other half put his foot down about me buying more stuff when I have nowhere to put it - so000, here I am tidying so I can buy more ;). Just kidding, although I am sure that spotlight and the local op shops must have something cool to buy, I'm just not tempting myself at the moment. I can't wait till the 21st when I go to spend time (and money) with my baby sister Becs in Christchurch!

Number 2. Briahna is sick again - this is like the 15th time this year! It's driving me crazy, I love her to bits but want to get back to normality!

Number 3. My washing machine is on the blink. :( At least it's still within warranty, but we have been given the runaround just trying to find out who is supposed to be fixing it! And I have about 7 loads to do, that are now on my kitchen floor.

One major cool thing about today though... I am going for a girlie night out with my majorly pregnant friend Becca tonight. It will probably be the last time before baby comes, so we are gonna make the most of it!!

We did enjoy a lightbulb free hour on Sunday night for Earth Day! I just love the way the candles look, might have to do it again soon!!

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I am Loving...

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  • Cool crowdfunding: Moog Controller, Snap Together Ships, and Electronics Kits - [image: Cool crowdfunding: Moog Controller, Snap Together Ships, and Electronics Kits] We receive so many pitches for crowdfunding projects. They pour into...
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  • New News and Good Things - Loobylu is quiet these days. If you are interested in following along with my new adventures, please check out my website at and my ins...
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  • After 17 Years as a Mum Here's What I've Learned - [Image Credit] My eldest boy turned 17 the other day, which is crazy because it feels like only yesterday that I began blogging when he was five. Oh my wo...
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  • Beanie & Moccasin set - These two items can be in small (12-14" high baby doll size) or medium (15-18" high baby doll size). Contact me at for colour option...
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  • lost my voice - I know that I don't frequent this space as much as I'd hoped to this year, for many reasons, but the main one is that I feel my blog writing voice has som...
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  • - Sneak Peek at this weekends Market. 21st April 10-2pm 400 New North Road, Kingsland
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  • The Celestial Issue - a quick mention - I came here to post about issue 20 but then realised issue 19 hadn't even had a mention - there are about 12 copies left and I've listed a few 'collect...
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  • Tea towel totes - New to Stitcharooney and available this Saturday at Flinders Street Market. I decided it was time to make something of all the very fabulous tea towels in...
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  • Mollie Makes Prints - I'm usually pretty good at resisting the Mollie Makes Magazine. But this month it has seven little prints included and I couldn't help myself. I knew ...
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  • Yogya Punya Sejuta Keindahan -
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  • - Hello everyone. I had hoped to show you a pair of jeans that I made after taking a sewing class with Sherry, you know *the* Sherry. However, I made a few ...
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  • The year so far..... - My year started out with my oldest daughter being hospitalised because of mental health issues. She has a diagnoses of Aspergers and ADHD. Poor Button. She...
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Sew Translatable

I'm a faraway brown owl!

Brown Owls

taking a little stand...
