Wednesday, 27 May 2009

sew mama sew may giveaway...

I am participating in the Sew Mama Sew May giveaway day, which means that all you have to do to win this tissue case:

is leave me a comment below!

I'll be putting in a few buttons from my burgeoning collection to add to the specialness of the giveaway!

Enter as many times as you like, and international entries are welcome!!!

Fine print: this giveaway will be open until May 31, with the winner randomly drawn on June 1. International commenters are welcome! Please include an email address in your comment if your email is not available in your profile.

June 1st, 2009

I've just closed off commenting on this post.

Unfortunately, the link from sewmamasew wasn't working for the majority of the past 3 days. Which means that a lot of people wouldn't have been able to enter, but it also means that the 90 odd that did have a better chance of winning - right! :)

So, I'm off to check out who won now...



CurlyPops said...

Yah! I would love to win - it would be perfect for my handbag.

kristie said...

woohoo - are those cats on some of the buttons??? i love cats! enter me please. thanks for stopping by my giveaway!

Jodie said...

OMG that's awesome!!! I'd love to be in the running for this great prize... Oh and those buttons are gorgeous too....

Take Care
Jodie :)

LiEr said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway and telling me about yours! I want to win the tissue case (and buttons, too)! HAven't had the time to check out the SMS list yet. Will get to that tonight! Can't wait for pesky chores at home to be done and jids to be asleep so I can sit down at the computer and click away.

Cass said...

That will save me making my own

Mandy said...

I'd love to be entered....I like the button bonus :)

M* (Melanie) said...

ooo giveaway galore! Those buttons are superb

Jacqui said...

Yay, put me down please!

Jetta's Nest said...

Hi, thanks for visiting my blog :)

I would love to win that tissue holder and those buttons are way too cute!

Beeshebags said...

Please enter me into your giveaway. Hugs Naomi

djaj said...

Here I am !
I love the case and the button... Hope I'll win !

Jessi said...

the buttons are stunning and that fabric is sewwww funky! How corny am I? ;)

ozlynda said...

I love the tissue cover and I adore buttons.
Please enter me into the giveaway.

sissy923 said...

Hi, yes would love to win, so cute.

Stazerbeam said...

What a cute little tissue case and buttons! Please enter me into your drawing.

tara said...

waouuuu i would be so happy to have a chance!!!many thanks for this beautiful giveaway!

you can play on my blog too;o)

tara from

Unknown said...

I would love a chance! Your tissue cases are so cute. :)

CyndeJo said...

I would love to win, such fun fabric in the tissue holder.
Love the buttons! too.

MamaKnits2Much said...

Oooooooh... BUTTONS!!! I just have to add my name in here....
The tissue case is adorable, but buttons.. Oh My!

Tangos Treasures said...

Cool stuff!! Thank you for the chance to win!

Sara said...

Hey, I'm here to enter your drawing...Isn't this the best fun!

Unknown said...

Yes please - count me in!

Tam said...

Wow, buttons!! Cool.

Needlebeedle said...

It's so adorable and I love the buttons!

deb said...

How darling is that? I love buttons! deb

cindy said...

Very NICE--I love the frog peeking around! I found you because you commented on my kitty apron and invited me over--Thanks--There is so much to see--I can't spend long looking now--but I WILL be back:) Wonderful buttons--generous of you to share them!

Miriam said...

I would love to be considered for the tissue case and buttons.
I have been enjoying your blog. I've enjoyed your monthly knitting patterns. I am also gluten intolerant - it helps me deal with it to realize that there are others out there.

handmaiden said...

such a cute little tissue holder, perfect for my handmade bags

A Joyful Chaos said...

Ooooh this is so sweet! The tissue you holder is so cute! I was sitting there admiring it for awhile when it dawned on me I might actually have a chance to own it! Thankyou for giving me the opportunity to enter your giveaway. I hope I win!

A Joyful Chaos said...

I should have proofread my comment better before posting. Sorry!

Waldeck Dry Goods said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm becoming a FOLLOWER of your blog. =)

Anonymous said...

Love these little tissue cases. Perfect and who doesn't love to collect buttons?!

Sonja said...

So cute! I have a real thing for buttons :) Thanks for entering my giveaway.

Gabrielle said...

Cool tissue cover! Thanks for entering over at SWB!!!

Aim said...

I love the fabric you picked for that tissue holder!

Thanks for the giveaway, if I am the lucky winner, you can contact me through my website

Barb said...

So those buttons. Thanks for the chance to win.

TwinkleToesMom said...

The fabric is very cute... and so are the buttons.

angelique said...

Put me in. I am always up for a few new buttons. My stockpile is slowly depleting here and i can't seem to find any nice old ones.
Thanks for calling into my blog.

ellie said...

What a sweet little tissue cover - it may entice me to actually wipe my kids' noses!!

Thank for the giveaway. I can see those buttons would be a big hit in our house. Good fun.

Daljeet said...

What a sweet case! The fabric you used is lovely! Thanks for visiting my blog and joining in my giveaway :)

Selina said...

oooh, love those buttons! thanks for the giveaway!

Lois0607 said...

Hi - love the buttons and the fabric you used on the tissue holder
Thanks for the chance

Cheryl said...

I love the buttons! And the fabric you used for the tissue holder is just too adorable! Thanks for stopping by to see me!

cassie said...

Love the frog on the tissue case. And buttons? Who doesn't love a new button or two for their collection. Count me in!

Leslie said...

The frog case is very cute. And you can never have enough buttons!

Regina said...

all very cute!!!

Have a great weekend!

Dresden Quilter said...

Wha a cute tissue holder. Buttons are always great to have. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

Casey said...

I think if I won this, my youngest daughter would steal the tissue cozy from me! she loves frogs!

Christy said...

I'm loving that tissue case and the cute buttons too! Thank you for your cute giveaway!

Kimara said...

Totally adorable. I am always throwing Kleenex in my bag or tucking a few in my pocket. When someone around me needs a Kleenex, I pull one out, trying to smooth out the wad it's become, and assuring others that it hasn't been used... just abused! A sweet little case like this would be a God Send! Also, the buttons are lovely... lovely... lovely. Thanks for the chance to win!

Amber said...

What cute buttons - thanks for visiting my blog too :-)

Catherine said...

Hi , Had a quick look around your site, great work, love your flower brooches! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway

trash said...

Thanks for stopping and playing in my giveaway :-)

Yes please I would love to win those gorgeous gifties. The frog creases me up.

Super Fun Mama said...

love those buttons. Enter me please.

choquelicot said...

lovely buttons

Lauranie said...

Enter me please, my daughter would love this for her bookbag, she has allergies! I am teaching her to hand sew her own purse so bring on the cute buttons!! Thanks for visiting and telling me about your giveaway!! Enjoy the rest of yours!

ittybittyandpretty said...

buttons and a cute as frog case.... what more could a girl want?

Geekery said...

um, yes, not really my cup of tea, but if I win, I can give them to my wife. . .

MooBear Designs said...

Cute give away!! We're having a give away too!!

xo Steph

suesueb said...

love the tissue holder-such old fashioned print! thanks for visiting me and we can wish each other luck for all the prizes!!

Sandrine said...

Thanks for entering my daw and now I would lov eto enter yours!

Ilona said...

Love the tissue-case, how fun!

Michele said...

What a fun giveaway!

Jasmine said...

I'd love to win this!
Lovely, cute idea.

Georgiann said...

Nice! I'm giving away buttons, too, but those are just too adorable to pass up! Peace to you.

carmel said...

hi! thanks for the great giveaway!!
you have a very cool blog! thank you!!!

Trudy said...

Great giveaway.

Check out my giveaway too.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

Thanks for entering my giveaway nad letting me know about yours.

Erin @ Why Not Sew? Quilts said...

I'm following your blog now also!

Kathryn said...

Cute tissue holder!

The best part about the giveways is seeing all of the crafty blogs and creative people on the net from all over the world.

Jeanie said...

Lovely buttons ! Please pick me :) Thank you !

Mel Cordell said...

Oh I love the fabric on the tissue holder, the elderly lady across the road loves frogs and I would really love to win this for her :D

x Mel

affectioknit said...

Wow! What a great giveaway! Thanks!

Whimsical Road said...

Cute fabric! Thanks for entering my giveaway, too!

Anonymous said...

great way to keep tissues in place. abby

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks quite fantastic! Thanks for the opportunity.


Sandy in Buenos Aires said...

Cute little purse! And those buttons are gorgeous!
Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with buttons, so count me in! Thanks for playing!

TexasWren said...

Lovely buttons!! I was whining to someone the other day that I had a huge box full of buttons from my grandmother and my mother's things, and I seem to have lost it in the last move. I've looked everywhere. I miss them!

I love the frog fabric!

The Other Man said...

Pretty please with whipped cream and a cherry on top, pick me!

kerrykatiecakes2 said...

Oh, yes please!! Love the buttons! I do crazy quilting so they would be put to good use!

Sarah Vanderburgh said...

What a cute giveaway. Can you really have too many buttons?!:)

Breanna S. said...

that looks like mr. toad fabric. thanks for the chance to win.

Sarah said...

super cute tissue case!
and oh my oh...i love the buttons!
thanks for the giveaway! :)

Ginny said...

What a fun tissue case, love it!

Potpourri said...

I love buttons...

lao80 said...

I love buttons

Cherry said...

Winter is about to hit here in Australia and I would love that little tissue holder for my bag- with two kids there are plenty of runny noses. The buttons are great, I am slowly building up my collection.

Anonymous said...

What cute little buttons. How fun. Thanks!

Joske said...

Thanks for the giveaway and the bib tutorial! My SIL and brother were just saying that they needed some more for their two kids!

mub said...

These are great! I love the fabric of the tissue holder.

Sweet Woodruff said...

You have a wonderful blog. I will be sure to follow you when I can. I would love to win those buttons and your tissue cover. The fabric is so sweet. Take care.

Teneale said...

It's getting into hayfever season here, so that tissue holder would be very well appreciated by me right now !! It's very cute too. Love the idea of getting buttons too :D

Thanks for entering my giveaway too :D Teneale

Mina said...

I need one of this cute thing!!! Thank you for hosting this giveaway,
please count me in!

♥ Mina

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Come join in the giveaways... Jan 25th




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Sew Translatable

I'm a faraway brown owl!

Brown Owls

taking a little stand...
