Ever since I discovered I could sharpen them by cutting a little tin-foil, my mothers old trusty pinking shears have become a necessary accessory I rhymed! ;) in my sewing room. To say that I love them, would be an understatement. They cut down on so much of the time I used to spend edging bibs. Now I don't have to snip corners, either! A god send!!!
Hey Marion, and anyone else interested... Tin foil is actually aluminum foil, we just haven't quit calling it tin foil here in NZ! LOL!
Remember to enter the draw to win Amanda Blake Soule's book - the creative family here on my blog.
hey my dear check out my giveaway going at the moment...am very much enjoying your return to the blog world with regular posts!!!
OK since my hubby insist on calling alumimun foil (yes its probally spelled incorrectly) Tin foil I have to ask? what one is it you use in your country. Here they have not put tin in it for years. Also I have to thank you as I own some pinking shears that are dull and will try it!!! Huggs and God Bless Marion
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