I've been wanting to do a giveaway for a little while. I've now got a whole heap of reasons to do one. My cast came off and I can craft. The blog has had over 30,000 hits so far - wow, who'd have thought! This is my 300th post! I'm sure I could think of a few more if I tried, we're going into summer here, I'm in a good mood etc...

I've got a copy of
Amanda Blake Soule's book,
the Creative Family to give away. Anyone can enter. I'll be doing the draw in a week on the 30th of October. Gotta keep another 3 in there, after all I've had 30,000+ hits, posted 300 times, we really need it to be on the 30th, don't we!
So just comment below to enter. Tell other people about it on your blog and let me know and you'll get another entry in the giveaway!
I knew this week would be a goody! :D
thanks for stopping by bits of sunshine. and I am the first comment on this 300th post! i'd love to win the book! and congratulations on all your threes and zeroes! love your bibs, too. also, hurray about losing the cast! and you don't like pb&j? have you ever had homemade WHO bread with chunky peanut butter (skippy), and homemade strawberry or raspberry jam? oh, well. i like peanut butter and i like chocolate, but i don't like them together . . . sort of the same thing, i guess . . .
count me in my dear!!! lovely book....am drooling!!
Hey, it's a day of celebrations all round! Don't worry about putting me in the draw as I have that book ... just wanted to say hello and enjoy the new machine.
Hello, love a your blog and would love to be in to win a copy of the book (she really is fantastic!)
Oh wow! I would love that book!
Is it ok if I add you to the blogtoberfest giveaway list?
Sweet! Put me in the draw to win the book..... hehehehehehe
Congrats on all the big 3's... I bet you're glad to have your cast finally off.
I've been wanting to buy this book for ages, what a great giveaway..
Jodie :)
Very impressive! 300 posts and 30,000 visitors. That's amazing! I would love to win the book so please pick me!
Hey - count me in! I have read it from the library and would so love to own a copy. Congrats on the 300th post - wow!
What an inspiration you are to the blogging world. Hope i can brag about those sort of stats one day! Would loooove to win that beautiful book.
Count me in on this goodness. Congratulations...
Wow, I love this book. Hope I win!
Yay for 3's! My birthday is on the 3rd (dec) so I think i'm in with a chance. hah.
Looks like a great book, please count me in. Congratulations on your 300th!
Well first I never win anything, seconed I really just wanted to say its so so good to have you back! You are an inspration to me! The book looks fun im sure someone very deserving will win! Huggs and God bless Marion
how fab-pls count me in!
what a cool looking book. Fingers crossed I get picked.
OH my goodness!!! I was JUST looking to buy this book on Amazon!!! How ironic is that! Well now I think I'll hold off on ordering it, until your giveaway is complete. :-) Thank you for entering me in your draw!
Congrats on all of your milestones! I am certain you are most thrilled about the cast beign removed!
Congratulations on your 300th post!!
Summer, huh? We are just experiencing fall weather here in Texas. It amazes me how far away we all are but can be connected here on the internet. :)
oh what a lovely giveaway!!
what a fabulous blogging achievement! great giveaway, please count me in!
That book looks lovely - I would love to win it in honor of your 300th post ;-)
I love the 3 theme ;) Congrats on the 300/30,000! Can I be included in the giveaway fun please? :)
Congrats on loosing the cast, I'm not familiar with the book you are drawing, in fact this is the first I've ever heard of it. I'll have to see if it's available locally, it definitely sounds like something I would like to get for my boys and I to do things from. I don't remember the last time I won anything so I'll just go see if it's available even just at the library for now.
Sheesh! 300? That's amazing! Please count me in!
Congrats on 300 posts. And what a wonderful giveaway! I have been wanting that book for some time so please count me in :)
Hi! Count me in too please, I'd love to have a look at that book :)
I'd looove that book, I love soul mama's blog and yours rocks too.
Congrats on the 300th!
This is my first visit to your blog. I followed you here from the dishcloth yahoogroup. Your blog is wonderful! I would love to be entered in your contest. Thanks so much! :)
Back to browsing your blog!....
Congratulations on your cast being removed! I know you're super happy since you can knit and do all the stuff you have been wanting to do. I enjoy your blog each time I visit. Keep up the great work you do! I hope I am entered in the drawing and have the lucky number!
I would love to win this book! I'm in Australia though, is that ok? Will blog it regardless. :)
waw, great numbers. Congratulations!
I heard so much about this book! Count me in, please.
i've heard so many good reviews of this book I'd love to see it IRL
Looks like a great book...
Congrats on the 300 posts/30,000 hits! Count me in, please!
I'd love a chance to win the book. Congratulations on all the posts and all the hits.
Yeah, the cast is off! I love your blog. You taught me how to do short rows. Before "star" cloths I just didn't get it. Congrats on the # of hits and readers. I'd like a chance to win the book.
Oh it would be so cool to win this book
love to win the book, i always need more creative ways to interact with my family. thanks for all the fun
Ooh, I've been drooling over this book for ages. What luck it would be to win it!! Congrats on the 300th post. And I love your background on your blog, it's so pretty. :D
Thanks for those great star patterns!
Oooh - congratulations on reaching those milestones, and thank you for the generous giveaway!
I'll keep my fingers crossed :)
Congrats on having the cast off, I had one on my hand last year, and empathize with your frustration. Double plus congrats on the 300 posts and all of the well deserved hits! I came for the washcloth patterns, and stayed for the blog. :-)
Wow! Congratulations on all those 3s! A lovely set of lucky numbers there. This is a book that has been on my wish list ever since it came out! Great giveaway!
I hope I haven't missed out on the competition and congratulations on the number 300 post. i hope there is another 300 in you.
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