My three girls are having the time of their life traveling around the south island with their Nanny & Grampy. What fun! It sure has been quiet around here without them! I've actually been able to read a book through cover to cover without very much interruption at all - oh for child free days! It's been a good long while since I have had any, and I'm making the most of them!!!
I tried knitting last week, only to make my wrist really sore. So unfortunately it will be a good few more weeks until I can sit down to knit like I used to...
On a sad note, my aunty and godmother passed away last Thursday. She was an inspiration to me in many ways, very creative and adventurous. She travelled widely and lived in both Spain and Japan, learning both languages! She had struggled with cancer for a number of years, and I suppose after a life well-lived it was a welcome release. Not so welcome to those of us who loved her though! Her funeral was yesterday, and was both difficult and lovely. I am glad I went. Aunty J. had lucky dip baskets organised for those who'd attended. Giving away trinkets of a life well-lived and enjoyed. I chose a tin (I just love old tins) full of special little shells, coins, magnets she'd collected. :) It makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one who does this kind of thing!!! See Mr. Sew-Funky, it's normal in my family ;).

If I could find the darn camera, I'd take a picture of what I now have from my aunt. Scratch that look above at sneak pic!
I will miss her cheeky smile and laugh, and the special way she looked at life. Life was an adventure to her, not to be missed. I want to learn how to live my life like that too...
Thanks Aunty J. - I love you, and am happy to have been loved by you too!
So sorry to hear about your Aunt. It's so lovely to be able to have a trinket to keep to remember her.
So so very sorry to hear about your beloved Aunt J. Huggs and confort comming your way in the form of a prayer. I have so missed you. I would love it if you wandered over to my blog and see my confy chair pincushion I just completed. I love to share and get comments! Huggs hon looking foward to that picture! Marion
The camera is right next to the keyboard, right under that pile of paper.... no, not that pile, the one next to it... no, the other side... yep, that's the one.
Glad you didn't mention that movie i took you too...
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