... just enjoying setting up the new house, and loving living in a friendly small town. :)
My craft room is not even half way organised, I can't really get my head around sorting it out at the moment. The sun is shining outside, my children and animals are happy in the new environment and life is looking up. :)
I can walk most places I need to go, and so Mr Sew-Funky and I are sharing the car. I get it on Mondays and Tuesdays and he gets it Wednesdays through Fridays. I think it will work out great. He carpools with a workmate 4 days a week, and so it's one way to keep costs down whilst "saving the planet". :)
I leave you with what I wake up to in my bathroom every morning - I could very well get used to living like this!
Have a neat day, from the currently craftless one...
x D
A few summer photos.
Our Christmas holidays were filled with a few fun adventures, beginning to
paint the outside of our house, a beautiful friend’s wedd...
1 week ago
So glad you are enjoying your new place... and sometimes it's nice to have a break from crafting... you'll get back into it soon I am sure!
It sounds wonderful!!! Craftless time can be good! I hope you are enjoying your new surroundings and being able to walk most places sounds wonderful....:)
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