for all your kind words of support.
It certainly has been a very hard month for me, and not a whole lot of crafting has been going on around here. Grief is a funny thing, it's like a barage of emotions hitting you all at once. You feel like you won't get through and then surprisingly you do, for that moment, anyway! I really wouldn't wish this upon anyone. It has been so very hard and awful.
The flowers are dying now, and I really should get on with packing up the house - we move on July 25th - it's good to be busy. And I am, really busy, the school holidays are upon us. I'm shifting house. My autistic daughter is not coping well with any of what has happened and what is happening ie. the shift. I think I need a holiday - any offers?! ;)
It has been fab seeing all the family, especially my sister Paula, who I hadn't seen in
12 years! Funny how it takes something terrible happening to bring people together. My sister lives in the UK and its ever so expensive to travel between NZ and the UK. We've both been super busy having kids and raising them. I guess one day I'll get to travel, when they're all done being raised. :)
Anyway, I'm not sure how active the blog will be while I pack up the house. So much to do, so little time and all that jazz!
Thank you so much for all your prayers for my family during this most awful time. I feel
truly blessed to be a part of this community of crafty bloggers. Your're a great bunch - you know!