On the weekend we made our semi-regular trip to real groovy, so that I could add to my burgeoning collection of cool books and okay music...
This time, I tossed up between buying some of the latest vampire buzz books and some neat recipe books - the food won out!
People who know me, know my love of all things cupcake - but they may not know I have an interest in vegan food. That's because it is a recent interest, fuelled by my youngest daughter's allergies to dairy (& gluten). I can't wait to try out some of these recipes!! :)
Yep, it's that time of year at our house. Lot's of birthday going's on's! A couple of weeks ago it was Hope's and now it's Aimee's turn. Luckily for Aimee, I think I have my craft mojo back, at least in a small way.
Lookie, what I'm making her for her 11th Birthday tomorrow!
Well, a sneak peak anyway... still unfinished, but thank God for husbandless evenings, because tonight I'll finish it!
In case you're wondering what it could possibly be... It's a little case (fur-lined & waterproof resistant) for her Nintendo DS.
Yesterday at craft group my interest in applique was rekindled and I've been at it like crazy since then. Cupcakes, birds, flowers all excitedly stitched. So, lets hope the craft creativity drought is finally over because I am getting sick of reading novels hastily chosen from the local library! There's a season for everything, but I was going a little crazy there!
It’s not that unusual when everything is beautiful
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
The sky knows when it’s time to snow
Don’t need to teach a seed to grow
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
Life is like a gift they say, wrapped up for you everyday
Open up and find a way to give some of your own
Isn’t it remarkable like every time a raindrop falls
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
Birds and winter have their fling but always make it home by spring
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
When you wake up every day please don’t throw your dreams away
Hold them close to your heart cause we are all a part of the ordinary miracle
Ordinary miracle, do you wanna see a miracle?
It seems so exceptional that things just work out after all
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
The sun comes up and shines so bright and disappears again at night
It’s just another ordinary miracle today
This is something that my kids and I have been involved in for the past couple of years - it's a fantastic lesson in giving to others, and they always have fun trying to find neat things to give at the local $2 store. :)
Now is the time to be thinking about doing this, so that kid's all around the world can get a wee gift this Christmas. It doesn't cost much, but it's a totally worthwhile experience. Our old church used to make a big party of making up the boxes together! Not sure how we will do it this year, but it's sure to be fun!
A few summer photos.
Our Christmas holidays were filled with a few fun adventures, beginning to
paint the outside of our house, a beautiful friend’s wedd...
New News and Good Things
Loobylu is quiet these days. If you are interested in following along with
my new adventures, please check out my website at clairerobertson.com and
my ins...
After 17 Years as a Mum Here's What I've Learned
[Image Credit] My eldest boy turned 17 the other day, which is crazy
because it feels like only yesterday that I began blogging when he was five.
Oh my wo...
Beanie & Moccasin set
These two items can be in small (12-14" high baby doll size) or medium
(15-18" high baby doll size). Contact me at jan.sale@xtra.co.nz for colour
lost my voice
I know that I don't frequent this space as much as I'd hoped to this year,
for many reasons, but the main one is that I feel my blog writing voice has
Beads embroidery
I enjoy beads embroidery these days.
They are so cute and make me happy in my hands.
I'm trying various way of beads embroidery. It's easier stitching on fe...
The Celestial Issue - a quick mention
I came here to post about issue 20 but then realised issue 19 hadn't even
had a mention - there are about 12 copies left and I've listed a few
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
Or just shoulders and knees, really. I think I’ve posted before about my
shoulder and how I’m waiting for surgery. I’ve been having shoulder issues
for ove...
Mercury Burst
Robyn from robynieland asked if I'd test her Mercury Burst paper pieced
block and I leapt at the chance! It looks difficult and fiddly but it's
actually no...
Second chances
Hello again, if you are still out there that is. I'm amazed if anyone still
visits here.
What a lovely summer it's been. I've been far too busy enjoying li...
Tea towel totes
New to Stitcharooney and available this Saturday at Flinders Street Market.
I decided it was time to make something of all the very fabulous tea towels
Another crosses quilt…
I had an urgent quilt request from a customer. A quilt for an 80th
birthday, to be sent overseas. So after a quick consult on pattern and
fabric choices ...
It's all go!!
What a roller coaster of a week it has been!
There's been lots of sewing: a sloppy top altered into something more
structured ( a race against time so no p...
I Made up my Own pattern
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Schachenmayr nomotta Cosy
How much?
0.95 skeins = 85.5 yards (78.2 meters), 23 grams
Color family
What I've been up to
Long time between posts....
Now that I have these new lungs, there's just no time left to sit at the
computer composing blog posts.
I'm out and about enjo...
Mollie Makes Prints
I'm usually pretty good at resisting the Mollie Makes Magazine.
But this month it has seven little prints included and I couldn't help
I knew ...
Miss S (2280g/5lb) and Master T (2770g/6lb2oz), born 12 June at 38 weeks
exactly. Both perfect and happy and healthy in every way. We are in love
with our...
As a general rule, Golden Bay is sunny and breath-taking and beautiful and,
well, golden. But even when it’s not, we’re still rather glad we came.
Hello everyone.
I had hoped to show you a pair of jeans that I made after taking a sewing
class with Sherry, you know *the* Sherry. However, I made a few ...
Spinach Balls Recipe
Everyone loves Aunt Theresa's spinach balls so I thought I would share her
recipe with everyone. This will also stop me from asking her for the recipe
a hu...
The year so far.....
My year started out with my oldest daughter being hospitalised because of
mental health issues.
She has a diagnoses of Aspergers and ADHD. Poor Button. She...
November Post-poned
Just to let everyone know that our evening for November has been post-poned
due to way too much sickness in both our households!
Thanks to everyone that RS...
Farewell Ribbons and Pom Poms
I love you, I still love love love packaging but I have little time in my
life and managing 2 blogs is just not working out.
I will feature packaging on my...
A big blog post that's long overdue!
My gosh, it has been well over a month since my last blog post! There has
been so many changes in my life recently that I literally haven't had the
time to...
Brooch | Singleton Sock Monkey #3
This fantastic little brooch was designed by me for you to embellish your
favourite item, a bag perhaps or shawl?!
At 5cm in diameter, they're sure to be c...