Thursday, 18 June 2009


Yep, that image represents the last few weeks I've had.

Lot's has been going on around here, but the gist of it all, is that we are shifting house, getting a new car, and possibly the girls will be starting new schools. Also, my mother, who just came back from Pakistan has been in a perilous health condition in hospital. Aaaargh!

And this is why the blog has been so quiet. Life totally got away from me, and still will for at least another month. We still have to find a new house to live in, and I totally want to move somewhere nice. :) Ideally, it would be at least 4 bedrooms (think space for a craftroom!) and would have a yard for the girls to run around in.

I appreciate any prayers that you may make on behalf of me and my family at the moment - it's totally what is keeping my head glued together!

Missing you all heaps!



Miss Smith said...

I was wondering where you were- somehow my blogroll wasn't quite the same without your posts popping up.
Sounds like things are crazy chaotic at yours! Hope things resolve themselves for the better very soon!

Rebekah said...

AM praying for the most awesome house for you with 4 bedrooms and lots of space and in the perfect area for schools etc.... xxx

ittybittyandpretty said...

oh my that is a whole heap of crap to deal with all at once!! *sending prayers for all of your wishes to come true*
by the way thanks for my gift!!!
i have blogged a little about it on one of my blogs and will blog a bit more about it on my other blog when i get some more time.
it really is so lovely, to good to be put in my bag where it might get all screwed up! i think it will have to sit here in my 'studyio' where i can appreciate it everyday. :0)
smooches rosey

PaisleyJade said...

We miss yoooooooooooooo - keeping you in my prayers... and hoping you get the bestest craft room in the world!

Gail said...

Oh my goodness! That photo is of me!... well exactly how I am at the moment too!

praying that things will calm a bit for you ... and that your mother's health improves quickly! I am at the hospital everyday at the moment visiting my father - it's not a problem going and being there... but it does take it out of you!

Anonymous said...

You have my prayers. I know what a hard job you have ahead of you. Hope you find a house with big crafting space. Good Luck!

***Sharon*** said...

Ugh. I feel your pain! We're in the middle of moving too and the last thing I should be doing is logging onto the computer! So much to do! I wanted to let you know I mentioned you on my blog! Come take a peek!

The Bowlin's said...

we will be praying for you in this stressful time. i know how it is to have so much going on all at once. my mother in law says "when it rains it pours!!" hang in there. thanks for the gift by the way the bag is perfect i use it everyday!!! you are a great mom wife and friend. keep up the good work.

Jodie said...

Thinking of you...

jodie :)

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