Saturday 14 June 2008

Guest Post: Stencilling #2

The finished product. Obviously I'm not happy with my mistake of not taping dawn the paper protecting the surrounding T-Shirt, but it will have to do - I may even wear it to the Caspian screening on Monday. I have an idea for a similar T-Shirt design, but I'll make sure I'm a little more careful, and might even post my results here next week, if Mrs Sew Funky Allows me to ;o)

1 comment:

  1. Well done Mr Sewfunky....I think you did a fabulous job, even with a bit of overspray (or underspray). Do you know if there is anything similar in Aus/NZ that could be used?


Hi. Thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate your kind comments. Have a nice day - D.